Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ocean Toes

This is just a stripe design! get a TON of shades of blue and get a white and black. You will probably need thin tipped brushes. Choose one to be your base coat and paint it on. Then just make stripes! You can overlap and do anything you want. Paint each of your little toes with a shade of blue on each.
Questions or comments? Email us at and you can also send us your designs! thanks:) Subscribe!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Purple, Gray and Blue

This is really easy to do but hard to explain... So take a thin brushed black and make a diagonal line across your big toe. Make another one right next to it, far enough away that it makes a thick line for the purple. DON'T fill it in yet with purple! Above your thick line paint with a baby blue color. Below the line is gray.
Now paint your purple and when it dries paint sparkles on it!
Next make a diagonal line the same way you did on your big toe but only one, not two. Above paint purple, below is gray. On the next nail blue, below is gray. Keep repeating this pattern. There you go!

Comment, share, and subscribe! If you do this design or have a suggestion of what you think we should do please email us at! thanks:)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Colored Disco Dots;)

Hey! Make sure you have a steady hand for this design. Take a black and paint all of your nails with that color. Allow time to dry. Next, take a white thin brush and paint vertical dots on your nail. You can do it in whatever arrangement or pattern you want, but try to make all your dots the same size.

Pick 4 or 5 colors that you like and paint each row of dots different colors. The reason you paint white underneath is to make the color brighter on the black.
Email us your design at!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Disney Mickey Mouse Nails!

*Use L.A. Nails Art Deco Polish for the Mickey Mouse.

Find a pink that looks fairytale-ish:) and apply 2 coats to each nail, next on your thumb make a half circle on the top of your nail(see pic). Fill it in black, then make 2 circles for the ears and fill them in black too. On your ring finger make a circle in the middle, then 2 circles on top to make ears. Paint the pink nails with glitter, then only put glitter on the Mickeys. :) Your done!

Questions or Comments? Maybe you tried one of our designs and want it to be on the blog? Email!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Modern French Tipped Ring Finger:)

Paint all your nails one color. Next all you do is take a different color and on your ring finger paint a straight line across the top! Pretty easy right? And super cute too!:)

Sally Hansen Real Nail Polish Strips

ATTENTION!! This will save you A TON of time! For about $10.00 you can press these on and they'll be there for about a week! They look fabulous right?

Tropical Sunset Gradient ☀

This is a gradient nail tutorial. First, I used a base coat and Sinful Colors' Snow Me White. Then, I applied Sinful Colors' Citrine and Let's Meet, BB Couture's Adios Mo Fo, and L.A. Colors' Phenomena to a makeup sponge and sponged onto my nails. Once they were dry, I took L.A. Colors Art Deco in Black and created a blob going from the base of my nail to the tip. Fill it in. Draw a line from the blob going up and stopping a little past the middle of your nail. To create the "leaves" make small arched lines. For the birds, small 'V' shapes. When dry, add a small amount of shimmer for the "sand" by adding Sinful Colors' Kissy. Add a top coat and DONE! Hope you enjoyed this design!

Make sure to send in your designs to! We would love to see your comments. As well!
**Reviews coming up soon!**