Monday, May 21, 2012

Square Blob Nails

Hey! For this design you need a thin brushed black and a thin brushed pink,purple,green and yellow. And a regular black.
So first just paint your nails black. I wasn't really sure what design to do the other day so i just painted two random lines and i was like well i can make a square! So i made a big square on the left hand side of my finger. Then i left a little black space(and if there is none is your thin black brush to make some.) and made a smaller square directly next to the big square. So you should have a big square then a little one next to it. Next you make a smaller square underneath the first big square but keep space between them. Next to that make a bigger square under the 2nd smaller square. Make sure to leave space between them, but not to much!

Make sure to share, comment and follow! If you try this design show us how it turned out a and you could be mentioned in or gallery!

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