Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ocean Toes

This is just a stripe design! get a TON of shades of blue and get a white and black. You will probably need thin tipped brushes. Choose one to be your base coat and paint it on. Then just make stripes! You can overlap and do anything you want. Paint each of your little toes with a shade of blue on each.
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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Purple, Gray and Blue

This is really easy to do but hard to explain... So take a thin brushed black and make a diagonal line across your big toe. Make another one right next to it, far enough away that it makes a thick line for the purple. DON'T fill it in yet with purple! Above your thick line paint with a baby blue color. Below the line is gray.
Now paint your purple and when it dries paint sparkles on it!
Next make a diagonal line the same way you did on your big toe but only one, not two. Above paint purple, below is gray. On the next nail blue, below is gray. Keep repeating this pattern. There you go!

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